Friday, April 27, 2007

Diet and Beauty

The Skin
Eat an abundant quantity of fruit and vegetables which provide vitamins A and C. Eliminate foods overloaded with spices and abstain from alcoholic beverages. Replacing the use of animal fats with vegetable oils may be sufficient to restore health to abused skin.

Hair and Nails
To have silky and shiny hair,and resistant and well-formed nails, we should have a diet rich in vitamins and minerals which may be found mainly in fruits and vegetables. Iron and silicon are two minerals whose lack will especially affect the firmness of nails.

Sufficient vitamins A and B2 enhance the appearance of eyes. The so-called coloured vegetables(peppers, carrots, tomatoes) are good sources of vitamin A in the form of carotene.

Foods rich in calcium, such as dry fruit or milk provide the needed ingredients to sustain healthy teeth.

In order to maintain weight within correct limits; it is good to base the diet on vegetarian foods: fruit, cereals(grains) and garden products.


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Awesome tips. I love all the tips about different aspects.

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