Sunday, May 6, 2007

Mineral -> Iron

Image shows sesame seeds which are a good source of iron.

The organism of an adult contains between three and four grams of iron. Although small, this quantity performs a function of vital importance. The larger part of iron is found in the blood, forming part of the haemoglobin, which causes the typical red colour and allows the transportation of oxygen from lungs to all cells.

Iron does not exist as an isolated chemical element within the body, which would behave as an authentic poison, but combines with proteins.

Daily Need of Iron
The major part of iron found in the body recycles itself for minimal loss.

In certain situations the need for iron increases:

  • Menstruating women.

  • During pregnancy and breast-feeding.

  • During adolescence the need for iron increases because of growth and the beginning of menstruation in young women.

  • Any abnormal hemorrage causes a significant loss of iron which may easily produce anaemia.

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