Friday, April 27, 2007

Healthy Lifestyle

So many people nowadays concentrate on their nutrition for obvious reasons. Over the years, nutrition has become more and even more critical to our daily lifestyles, habits and common ailments.

Some positive habits for a healthy lifestyle are:
- Eating at least three pieces of fruit each day.
- Eating at least one plate of raw vegetables a day.
- Regularly eating whole cereals.
- Using olive, seed or vegetable oils.
- Drinking 4 to 8 glasses of water everyday.
- Engaging in some physical exercise each week.
- Maintaining a good mental attitude is very important.
- Maintaining a regular schedule of meals, trying not to eat too much at a time.

-> Often eat fresh fruit, vegetables and cereals with high fiber content.
-> The time and manner in which food is eaten affects one's health.
-> Acquire the habit of taking all things calmly; of not worrying about yourself; of not holding grudges against others or 'yourself'; of confidently smiling as you face the problems of life.

1 comment:

Pain Doctor said...

exactly! balanced diet and nutrition are the most important constituents of a good health.

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